Let's Clear Some Things Up (Headlight Restoration)
March 31, 2024
You know how exposing your skin to sunlight can cause sunburn and other unhealthy things. Sunlight can also create major problems for your headlights. After they've been exposed to ultraviolet light, acrylic headlights can yellow and fog due to oxidation. And when that happens, less light can ... More

No Fountain of Youth (Aging Tires)
March 24, 2024
Can you think of anyone who enjoys aging? Wrinkles where you don't want them, gray hair, eyes that won't focus any more, no stamina. Believe it or not, your tires age, too, and they don't get better the older they get. And here's the important thing to know, even if they can still pass a tread... More

Cool Running (Water Pump)
March 17, 2024
Your vehicle is like you in a way. When it gets hot, it needs to be cooled down. And one of the key parts to keeping it cool is the water pump. Now, that's a bit of a misnomer. It IS a pump, but it's pumping coolant, not pure water. Cooling off your engine is vital since it builds up heat whe... More

Get Where You're Going with Power Steering Service in Appleton
March 10, 2024
Today we're going to talk about power steering service in Appleton. If you took an informal poll around Appleton you'd probably find that most vehicle owners have never heard of power steering service. That's not surprising. Even though power steering is standard on every vehicle, most people in ... More

The Light Many Drivers Fear (Check Engine Light)
March 3, 2024
Ask just about any driver about one thing they fear seeing inside their vehicle and they'll say it's the Check Engine light coming on. You know, that little light on your instrument panel that is in the shape of a vehicle engine, often accompanied by the words Check, Check Engine, Check Engine Se... More